
👋 Hello, I’m Edmo! :brazil:

This is the place where I opensource stuff and break things 🤣

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gautamkrishnar gautamkrishnar gautamkrishnar 📊  **This week I spent my time on** ![Wakatime stats](https://github-readme-stats.vercel.app/api/wakatime?username=soedmo&hide_title=truehide_border=true&langs_count=5&bg_color=00000000&text_color=777)

✨  About Me

I am a Software Engineer with 9+ years of experience, with great contributions to web and mobile projects My engineering principles involve Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery. I am an extreme programming enthusiast and a big fan of mob programming.

🛠️  Languages and Tools

typescript javascript react glutter nexjs graphql react-testing-library nodejs golang gin-golang rust python terraform aws nginx docker